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Streaming Captioned Video to Mobile Devices during Live Events

Live events are a challenge for the deaf and hard of hearing, even for those with hearing aids or the ability to read lips. But now, with the ability to stream live captioned video to mobile devices, the answer is right in the palm of their hands.

This tech-forward solution—enabled by the ENCO enCaption automated captioning system—involves the following workflow:

• Capturing video of the live event

• Sending the camera signal to enCaption

• enCaption interprets the spoken word into text for display over the video

• enCaption sends the captioned video to a streaming appliance, such as a Teradeck Serv Pro

• The captioned video streams to a designated site, such as a website or YouTube channel

• A wifi router provides wireless connectivity for mobile devices

At the start of the event, the host can let attendees know they can now access live captions of the proceedings using their smartphones or tablets. For convenience, complementary iPads could be given out for use during the event. iPads are ideal because their larger screens make it easier to read the captions.

Attendees can click on a link on a home page or in a text message or surf to a designated URL to join the video stream and follow along with the captions. At the end, all of this equipment can be stowed away on a wheeled cart or packed up and taken to another location. The captioned video can also be archived online for access on demand. Contact ENCO to learn more about how to implement this mobile captioning workflow at your next live event.

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